Sunday, November 11, 2012

Project 333 (or wherein I regain control of my home)....

...(or at least get a better grip on my sanity)

So, here's the deal:  Y'all have heard me complaining/lamenting/shaking my fists at the sky about all of the laundry that I'm usually snowed in under 24/7, right?  I do the laundry on the weekends or late in the evening as it's more cost-effective to do so, but I feel like I never make any headway. 


Last night I purchased Tammy Strobel's book You Can Buy Happiness(and it's Cheap) book.  In instantly fell in love with Tammy's message and while I'm still reading (aka savoring) it, she also introduced her readers to the 333 Project.  The idea is that you pare down your wardrobe to 33 items.  This doesn't include pajamas/loungewear/workout gear.  I failed in the shoe department but have managed to pare down my clothing to 33 items so far.  It is a daunting task.  I'm not going to lie and say it's pretty, but it's an honest task.  I don't know how else to describe it.

I packed my summer items away at the top of our wardrobe (hello, Heather, this could've been done WEEKS ago) including sandals and summertime footwear and dug in.  While I should've taken before pictures so you could fully see the impact, I will say that I filled up one tote to 'put away' for now and then happily filled a big garbage bag for Goodwill. 

All of the photos are on my instagram feed here as instagram is being a booger and not letting me download them, etc.

In addition to doing this myself, I corralled the girls into it, too.  Not only did we go through their drawers, we went through next summer's clothes that I was getting ready to put back up into the attic in totes.  I'll be after their shoes this afternoon (I honestly think that children should have three pairs of shoes:  Dress shoes, tennies, and a pair of boots for winter).  I definitely failed in the shoe department.  I have a shoe fetish and it's horrible.  Jackets, too. 

But, I'll put my totes full of clothes away for three months and see where I'm at when it's all done.  It's hard to think about things like color schemes and also dressing for the holidays.  I was also surprised to note that I've literally got two pairs of jeans that actually fit me.  I kept four, to be honest about it because I just can't part with some but I usually only wear the one pair because I like how they look.

I couldn't give up my beloved Sperry's either. 


This will get easier, I know, and to be honest about your clothing and to pick out what fits, what feels good, what makes ME feel good wearing it, is an experience in and of itself.

But I will keep you posted about how this truly goes and whether I can live with it or not. 

I'll be honest and say I'm a little nervous but I think I can do it.  :nods:

Onto toys next maybe.  I'd also love to do the kitchen as I've got 42 Corningware casserole dishes that I've used maybe once in ten years (this is a slight exaggeration...only slight, mind you). 

So, in celebration, I'm reading while the washer is swishing away and enjoying a day full of rainy day activities before it's back to the work week ahead.

Enjoy your week!

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